What programs do I use?


The programs i use are all minimalistic/terminal-based. I don't like getting stuff done by using the GUI, that slown down me by a lot. Most of them are made by the devs of suckless (check out suckless.org).


GNU/Linux of course, we already know that windows and MacOS are just a bunch of spyware, security issues and a buggy base, everything closed source and filled with ads.


GuixSD is a good distro: vanilla GNU, with a nice and well mantained package manager. It is a rolling release, so you always get the newest packagest (Sometimes even newer than Arch) plus if you do a mistake you can roll back to the previous configuration.


I use i3 and i will continue to use i3: clear instructions, easy configuration files, clean UI. I have tried dwm and sway, but for me i3 is the best. Sometimes i just kill X and GDM, then use the TUI when i do not use GUI programs. If you do not really want to use a wm, XFCE and MATE are good options (if not the only good ones)


Xtern and UXterm are too fat for what I do, st is muuuch better.

Text Editor
Vim/Vi, the only good text editors: nano sucks and emacs is B L O A T E D . Nowadays i barely use Vi because i am too used to my Vim configuration. Vis is a good option too because it vim but lighter.
File Manager

I do not use a file manager, I just open a terminal window and use the standard navigation commands: cd, ls, pwd, etc...

Image wiewer

nsxiv, one of the best image wiewers out there: it can play GIFs, simple animations and a lot more, It is super small.

Media Player

MPV, VLC is just too bloated and includes media codecs, maybe Parole is a bit better, but still outclassed my MPV.

Web Browser

GNU Icecat: de-mozilla'd and de-spyware'd Firefox with some extra privacy addons. Yes, it is based on firefox 60.2, but in the Guix repos there is a newer version based on Firefox 102.2.

Mail Client

Claws Mail: same principles as i3: minimalist, non-cluttered, good documentation, and you can customize EVERYTHING.


xpdf, i would like to use zathura but it breaks every time I try to use it for some reason

Office Suite

I barely write .odt documents, but when is necessary i use abiword (i do not write presentations and spreadsheets)

If you want to reccomend me any programs, you can email email me: francescofusco@disroot.org.



I use a Thinkpad T420, I will just use thinkpads, there are no comparasions: find me and old laptop that is light, easly reiparable and lasts long. It has some nice features such as Displayport HDMI and VGA all together, CDROM and SD reader.

USB Dongle

GuixSD has linux-libre and I do not want any proprietary stuff on my pc: I use a Tecnoethical N150 Mini

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